
Rabu, 15 Februari 2023
Oleh: admingeologi

“Black Swans” and Seismic Risk in Megacities of SE Asia

Tanggal Kamis, 16 Februari 2023
Waktu 13:00
"Black Swans" and Seismic Risk in Megacities of SE Asia

The 21st century began with remarkable series of natural disasters. Much attention has recently focused on giant earthquakes and tsunamis, but the much smaller 2010 Haiti earthquake was the world’s most deadly. Could such a disaster happen in SE Asia? The megacity of Jakarta might also be potentially threatened by destructive earthquakes in line with the dramatic increase in a risk factor that certainly poses fatalities.

Therefore, the Department of Geological Engineering in collaboration with HMTG USAKTI proudly presents a talk entitled “Black Swans and Seismic Risk in Megacities of SE Asia” by inviting a prominent Professor of Natural Hazards from the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

We are delighted to invite everyone to join our sharing session, which will be held on:

5th floor, Building D, Trisakti University
Thursday, February 16th, 2023
1 p.m. – end

Speaker :
Prof. Phil Cummins (The Australian National University & Geoscience Australia)
Moderator :
Ramadhan Adhitama, S.T., M.Sc (Geodynamics Lecturer Of Universitas Trisakti)

This event is FREE and LIMITED.
However, we encourage you to do a registration.

For RSVP, kindly click the link below

Thank you and we look forward to everyone joining the talk.

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