Geophysics, Geothermal, and Computational Laboratory


The Geophysics, Geothermal, and Computational Laboratory is a laboratory under the Geological Engineering Program. This laboratory supports the three pillars of higher education, which include education and teaching, research, and community service. Some activities related to education and teaching in this laboratory include geophysics practicum, Exploration Geology practicum, Exploration Geophysics practicum, and Information Technology practicum. Activities related to research include Geophysics Field Trip and research conducted by faculty members and final-year students. Community service activities include Groundwater Education and Environmental Pollution Awareness.

Organization Structure

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Dr. Ir. M. Burhannudinnnur, MSc., IPM

Chairperson Geophisics Organization & Head of Exploration Geology Practicum

See Profile

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Mochammad Apriniyadi, S.Si., MSc.

Head of Laboratory

See Profile

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Wildan Tri Koesmawardhani, ST., M.T.

Head of Geophysics Practicum

See Profile

Dr. Ir. Untung Sumotarto, M.Sc.

Head of Geothermal Practicum

See Profile

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Dyah Ayu Setyorini, ST., MT.

Head of Exploration Geophysics Practicum

See Profile

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Aldis Ladesta,

Laboratory Staff

See Profile

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Sri Rahayu, S.Komp

Laboratory Staff

See Profile

The presented practicum

1. Geophysics Practicum
2. Praktikum Exploration Geophysics Practicum 1
3. Exploration Geology Practicum
4. Exploration Geophysics Practicum 2
5. Information Technology Practicum

Main Laboratory Equipment

Workstation Z820 Sebanyak 5 unit.Workstation Z320 Sebanyak 10 unitSoftware Seismic 2D
Software Res2D (Geolistrik/resistivity)Software Paradigm (Processing dan Modeling)Geolistrik Single Chanel Sebanyak 10 Unit (Geores)
Geolistrik Multi Chanel Sebanyak 2 Unit (Geores)Geomagnet (Geometrics) Sebanyak 4 UnitSonic Viewer (Untuk mengukur VS dan VV batuan)


Practical Module

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