Student Organization

Student Organization

1. Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi (HMTG)

A. Brief History

HMTG-USAKTI was first established on May 2, 1983, where HMTG-USAKTI serves as a platform for the aspirations of Geological Engineering students at Trisakti University to work together. Under the umbrella of HMTG Trisakti, all Geological Engineering students who are members of HMTG Trisakti can continuously develop Geological Engineering at Trisakti University, both academically and non-academically. HMTG-USAKTI has a motto, which is “For the best you can say? GEOLOGY!”

B. Contact Information

Instagram     : @hmtgusakti
Email             :
Web               :


2. AAPG Student Chapter Trisakti

A. Brief History

AAPG Student Chapter Trisakti is one of the twelve Student Associations organized by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in Indonesia. The history began during the International AAPG Conference in Bali in 2000. The event was attended by delegates from Trisakti University, University of Indonesia, and Bandung Institute of Technology. The delegates from Trisakti University included Mr. Chuck Caughey (Conoco Phillips) as the Supervisor Committee of AAPG Student Chapter in Indonesia, Mr. Hidartan as the Head of Geological Engineering Study Program, Mr. Burhannudinnur as the first Faculty Advisor, and several students who were interested in AAPG. One of the students who became a delegate was Aditya Syailendra, who later became the first president of the AAPG Student Chapter Trisakti.


B. Contact Information
Web                  :
Instagram       : @aapgtrisaktisc



A. Brief History

On September 16, 2017, SM-IAGI USAKTI was officially inaugurated by the Chairman of IAGI for the period 2017-2020, Mr. Sukmandaru Prihatmoko, and the Chairman of FGMI for the period 2017-2019, Mr. Nur Cholis, along with the Dean of FTKE, Mr. Afiat Anugrahadi, at the Remote Sensing Seminar held in Building D, 8th Floor, Trisakti University.

B. Contact Information

Instagram     : @smiagi_usakti
Email             :
Web               :

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