Ir. Budi Wijaya, M.T.

Nama Lengkap | Ir. Budi Wijaya, M.T. |
NIK / NIDN | 2024/USAKTI |
Jabatan Akademik | – |
Gelar Akademik | Ir. M.T. | | |
Sinta ID | 6679776 |
Google Scholar | Budi Wijaya |
Academic Qualifications
2000 | Master degree (S-2) in Geology from ITB |
1992 | Sarjana degree (S-1) in Geology from Trisakti University |
Proffesional Experiences
July-Agustus 2019 | Supervisor of Geological Mapping in Blora-Majenang Area, Central Java |
September-Desember 2018 | Geological Mapping and Field Study in Bali Area (PUKESMIGAS USAKTI) |
July-Agustus 2018 | Field Coordinator and Supervisor (“Kuliah Lapangan 2/Mapping”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yoyakarta to Wonogiri, Central Java. |
January-February 2018 | Supervisor of Geological Mapping in Tegal-Pemalang Area, Central Java |
Juli-Desember 2017 | Volcanic Reservoir Study at Jatibarang Formation, West Java (In house with BATM, FTKE, USAKTI) |
July-Agustus 2017 | Supervisor of Geological Mapping in Banyumas Area, Central Java |
January-February 2017 | Supervisor of Geological Mapping in Bogor-Cianjur Area, West Java |
July-Agustus 2016 | Supervisor of Geological Mapping in Blora – Rembang Area, Central Java |
April 2016 | Presenter at “10th Annyversary of Asosiasi Dinas Pengelola ESDM Provinsi se- Indonesia” |
January-February 2016 | Supervisor of Geological Mapping in Pacitan and Trenggalek Area, East Java |
July-September 2015 | Supervisor of Geological Mapping in Sragen Area, Central Java – Ngawi Area, East Java |
2015 | Presenter at Gemstone Seminar in Seasons City, West Jakarta |
January-February 2015 | Field Coordinator (“Mapping”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Southern Mountain area, Klaten to Wonogiri, Central Java and Wonosari, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. |
August-September 2014 | Field Coordinator (“Mapping”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. |
March-September 2013 | Reseach: Microthermometry study in Pongkor District, Banten (Case Study: Gunung Goong, Ciguha, Kubang Kicau and Ciurug Area) |
March-September 2013 | Research:Study of Tectonic Element for Mineralization (Case Study: Kalan, Kalimantan and Gunung Pongkor, Banten). |
August-September 2013 | Field Coordinator (“Mapping”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Southern Mountain area, Klaten to Wonogiri, Central Java and Wonosari, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. |
2012 | Geological Mapping in Pare-pare – Toraja, South Sulawesi |
2012 | Geological Mapping for CBM in Samarinda, East Kalimantan |
August-September 2012 | Field Coordinator (Mapping”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Pemalang to Banjarnegara, Central Java. |
October-Nopember 2011 | Geological Mapping in Central Sumatera Basin (Muara Bungo – Kota Pinang), |
September-October 2011 | Structural Geological Mapping in Barito Basin (Binuang – Barabay), South Kalimantan |
August-September 2011 | Field Coordinator (“Kuliah Lapangan 2/Mapping”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Majenang to Kebumen, Central Java. |
March-April 2011 | Geochemistry Study in the northern of West Java and Central Java |
Dec 2010-Jan 2011 | Gravity Survey in North Lampung, Sumatera |
November 2010 | Petrographic Analysis for Hydrothermal Exploration in Sulawesi |
May 2010 | Preliminary Study of Manganese in Nusa Tenggara Barat |
July-August 2008 | Iron Ore Study with Induced Polarization Method in South Kalimantan |
June-July 2008 | Inventarization of hydrothermal minerals in South Alor District, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. |
February 2008 | Manganese Exploration in Lombok |
January 2008 | Manganese Exploration in South Kalimantan |
October-November 2007 | Manganese Exploration in Tasikmalaya, West Java |
May – August 2007 | Surface Mapping in Southern of West Java – Trisakti – Pertamina |
June – July 2007 | Iron Ore Exploration in Manggar Block, South Kalimantan |
May – June 2007 | Iron Ore Exploration in Sungai Bakar Block, South Kalimantan |
April – May 2007 | Iron Ore Exploration in Jaya Mulia Block, South Kalimantan |
February – March 2007 | Iron Ore Exploration in Melati Block, South Kalimantan |
January – February 2007 | Petrographic and Mineragraphic Analysis for Galena Exploration in Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor, West Java |
January 2007 | Petrographic and Mineragraphic Analysis for Galena Exploration in Bayah Area, Banten |
2006 | Petrographic Analysis for Gold Exploration in North Sumatera – PT. WikoDitoPratama |
2006 | Field Coordinator (“Kuliah Lapangan 2/Mapping”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Banyumas to Kebumen, Central Java. |
2006 | Petrographic Analysis for Oil Exploration – PT. Binatek Reka Kruh |
2005 | Field Coordinator (“Kuliah Lapangan 1”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Bayat, Klaten, Central Java. |
2005 | Petrographic Analysis for Fe-oxide Exploration -PT. Arbico |
2005 | Petrographic Analysis for Nickel Exploration – PT. Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama |
2005 | Petrographic Analysis for Volcanic Study – Departemen Kelautan & Perikanan |
2004 – 2005 | Petrographic Analysis for sample from Pertamina Cirebon – BATM Trisakti University |
2004 | Field Coordinator (“Kuliah Lapangan 1”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Bayat, Klaten, Central Java. |
2004 | Petrographic Analysis for sample from Pertamina Cepu – BATM Trisakti University |
2004 | Core Analysis for sample from Pertamina Cepu – BATM Trisakti University |
2003 – 2005 | Petrographic Analysis for sample from Pertamina Prabumulih – BATM Trisakti University |
2003 | Field Coordinator (“Kuliah Lapangan 1”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Bayat, Klaten, Central Java. |
2002 | Surface Mapping of Luwuk and Peleng Block, Central Sulawesi from Pertamina – GRDC |
2002 | Field Coordinator (“Kuliah Lapangan 1”) of Department Geology, Trisakti University, in Karang Sambung, Kebumen, Central Java. |
2001 | Joint Research: IASSHA Leg B in Celebes Sea, North Sulawesi, LIPI – Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan – CSIRO (Australia) |
2000 – 2001 | Geology and Geophysics Study of Beringin – Kuang Block, Prabumulih, South Sumatera, Pertamina – BATM |
1998-1999 | Mineralization Study in Gunung Goong, Gunung Pongkor, Kabupaten Bogor, West Java |
1995 | Mineralization Study in Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor, West Java. |
1993 | Geology and Geophysics Study of Beringin Block, Prabumulih, South Sumatera – Pertamina |
1990 – 1992 | Surface Mapping of Warungkiara, Kabupaten Sukabumi, West Java |
1990 | Geophysics Survey of Bojonegoro – Tuban Block, East Java – Santa Fe |