Mira Meirawaty, S.T., M.T.

Nama Lengkap | Mira Meirawaty, S.T., M.T. |
NIK / NIDN | 3204/USAKTI |
Jabatan Akademik | – |
Gelar Akademik | S.T., M.T. |
mira@trisakti.ac.id | |
Scopus ID | 57205437666 |
Sinta ID | 5997323 |
Google Scholar | Mira Meirawaty |
June 2011 |
INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY OF BANDUNG | Bandung, Indonesia. Master degree in Geology from Geology Engineering Study Program, my thesis concerns study characteristic of subsurface alteration and its reservoar characteristic in well WWT-1, WWD-2, and WWQ-5, the Wayang Windu Geothermal field, Pangalengan, West Java. • Graduate, Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia (Geological Engineering, Master’s degree) |
October 2006 |
INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY OF BANDUNG Bandung, Indonesia. Bachelor degree in Geology from Geology Engineering Study Program, my final project concerns study characteristic of quartz vein and its relation with mineralization, in level 500 and 600 dpl of Ciurug vein, the Pongkor gold mine, West Java. • Undergraduate, Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia (Geological Engineering, Bachelor’s degree) |
Workshop Geothermal Energy 2013, held by Geothermal by Magister Programe in Gothermal Energy, ITB (March, 2013) |
Annual Conference and Meeting XII 2012 Indonesian Geothermal Association (INAGA) (Nov, 2012) |
Workshop Geothermal Energy 2012, held by Geothermal by Magister Programe in Gothermal Energy, ITB (March, 2012) |
National Seminar “Kebijakan MIGAS dan Pertambangan” held by Ikatan Alumni Teknik Geology ITB (Desember, 2011) |
1st International Seminar of Emvironmental Geoscience in Asia, held by Faculty of Eearth Sciences and Tecnology, ITB (October, 2011) |
Central Sumatra and Ombilin Basin Regional Excursion 2009 by Master Program of Geological Engineering Study Program (Pekanbaru – Bukittinggi – Padang, February 2009) |
M Meirawaty, C Palit, DA Setyorini, MA Jambak Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management 5 (2), 63-72 |
Gas hazards in Dieng geothermal field, Central Java U Sumotarto, F Hendrasto, M Meirawaty AIP Conference Proceedings 2598 (1) |
Biogas from goat waste as a green energy source Y Sutadiwiria, MK Herdyanti, M Meirawaty, HF Yuda, R Rendy, … Community Empowerment 8 (5), 610-614 |
WR Ashari, U Sumotarto, D Sotha, M Meirawaty, B Wijaya PETRO: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Perminyakan 11 (3), 115-120 |
D Sotha, U Sumotarto, WR Ashari, M Meirawaty PETRO: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Perminyakan 11 (3), 121-129 |
Alat Pengering Bertenaga Panasbumi Di Daerah Cogreg-Bogor F Hendrasto, U Sumotarto, M Meirawaty, E Widianto, W Robiul, D Sotha Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia (JAMIN) 4 (2) |
JL Simamora, F Hendrasto, U Sumotarto, M Meirawaty Journal of Geoscience Engineering & Energy, 246-258 |
MK Atthariqh, M Meirawaty, MA Amri Journal of Geoscience Engineering & Energy, 42-48 |
IDENTIFIKASI KARAKTERISTIK MASSA BATUAN PADA ZONA ALTERASI DI DAERAH RUMPIN, KABUPATEN BOGOR ME Cahyaridipura, M Meirawaty, E Sugiarto, B Wijaya Journal of Geoscience Engineering and Energy (JOGEE), 90-98 |
MK Atthariqh, M Meirawaty, MA Amri Journal of Geoscience Engineering and Energy (JOGEE), 42-48 |
IDENTIFICATION OF ROCK MASS CHARACTERISTICS IN THE ALTERATION ZONE IN RUMPIN REGION, BOGOR REGENCY ME Cahyaridipura, M Meirawaty, E Sugiarto Journal of Geoscience Engineering and Energy (JOGEE), 90-98 |
PERENCANAAN LOKASI PONDASI BENDUNGAN PADA BENDUNGAN CIPANAS, KABUPATEN SUMEDANG, PROVINSI JAWA BARAT M Meirawaty, IS Ronoatmojo, H Pramudito, K Rahmadio Journal of Geoscience Engineering & Energy (JOGEE), 203-214 |
AY M. Meirawaty, R A Furqan, S.D. Nuryana IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 212 (1) |
E Meirawaty, M., Herdianita, N.,R, Relawati, M. MINDAGI 10 (2), 9-22 |
mira meirawati Institut Teknologi Bandung |
M Meirawaty, DV Singadji, PR Cahyaningratri |
MA Amri, F Hendrasto, HF Yuda, M Meirawaty, SD Nuryana, MK Atthariqh, … |
M Meirawaty, F Herdiasyah, HF Yuda, MP Wildani, PR Cahyaningratri |
Geochemical Characterization of Arjosari-Pacitan Geothermal Field, East Java U Sumotarto, F Hendrasto, M Meirawaty, J Leonardo |
JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCE ENGINEERING AND ENERGY (JOGEE) M Apriniyadi, P Redaksi, SD Nuryana, WK Redaksi, HF Yuda, D Redaksi, … |
2014 |
Regional Tectonic of Java and its Paleogene Hydrocarbon Potential Research held by LAPI ITB-PERTAMINA HULU ENERGY. Person in charge in North Java Basin |
2013 |
North West Java Basin Block Joint Study Area held by LAPI ITB-PERTAMINA Conduct well correlation and petrophysic analysis. |
2013 |
ASAP/KWA GGR STUDY OF Kasuri PSC Block, Papua Barat held by LAPI ITB-GKOPL Conduct Sedimentary and petrophysic analysis. |
2012 |
North Adang Block Joint Study Area held by LAPI ITB-PT. TOTAL Indonesia Conduct well correlation and petrophysic analysis. |
2012 |
Tarakan Block Joint Study Area held by LAPI ITB – PT.ENI Conduct well correlation and petrophysic analysis. |
2012 |
Mahakam Block Joint Study Area held by LAPI ITB – PT.PERCIE Conduct well correlation and petrophysic analysis. |
2011-2012 |
East Bontang Block Joint Study Area held by LAPI ITB – PT. Conduct well correlation and petrophysic analysis. |
2010-2011 |
Malabar Alteration Study held by PT. Star Energy and LAPI-ITB Conduct regional geology study and petrography analysis of outcrop and sample core in the southern Malabar area. |
2010-2011 |
Coordinator Laboratory Assistant of Petrography, Geology Engineering Study Program, Institute Technology of Bandung Assist 3rd year students from Geology Engineering in understanding practical optical mineralogy, assist 1st year students from Pasca Sarjana Geology Engineering in practical advance petrology and petrography reservoir. |
2009-2011 |
Coordinator Laboratory Assistant of Mineral Deposit, Geology Engineering Study Program, Institute Technology of Bandung Assist 3rd year students from Geology Engineering in understanding pratical mineral deposit, prepared and assist to field excursion in Bunikasih gold mine and Cupunagara. |
2009-2010 |
Coordinator Laboratory Assistant of Petrology, Geology Engineering Study Program, Institute Technology of Bandung Assist 2nd and 3rd year students from Geology Engineering, Geophysics Engineering, Mining Engineering in understanding pratical petrology, prepared and assist to field excursion in Padalarang. |
2010 |
Laboratory Assistant of Structural Geology, Geology Engineering Study Program, Institute Technology of Bandung Assist 2nd and 3rd year students from Geology Engineering, Geophysics Engineering, Mining Engineering and Petroleum Engineering in understanding practical Structural Geology. |
2010 |
Assistent of Field Mapping Geology Program in Karang Sambung, Central Java, Held by Department of Geology, Institute Technology of Bandung Field courses, covering basic field knowledge, sedimentology and stratigraphy, structural geology, petrology, geomorphology and geological mapping |
2008 | Field mapping in nickel eksploration in Morowali, Central Sulawesi. Company:Sinar Mas |