Ramadhan Adhitama, S.T., M.Sc.

Nama Lengkap | Ramadhan Adhitama, S.T., M.Sc. |
NIK / NIDN | 3205/USAKTI |
Jabatan Akademik | – |
Gelar Akademik | S.T., M.Sc. |
ramadhan.adhitama@gmail.com/ ramadhanadhitama@trisakti.ac.id | |
Scopus ID | 57210124625 |
Sinta ID | 5987341 |
Competences |
Sensing interpretation (arcgis), tectonic synthesis, field geology, 2D restoration (midland valley MOVE), GIS (arcgis). |
2013 – 2014 | Master of science (Msc.), Petroleum Geoscience (Tectonics), Royal Holloway University of London, Passed with Distinction, Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of Kumawa Block |
2007 – 2011 | Bachelor of Science (Bsc.), Geology, ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) |
Frederik, M.C.G., Udrekh, Adhitama, R. et al. “First Results of a Bathymetric Survey of Paul Bay, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia following the Tsunamigenic Earthquake of 28 September 2018”. Pure Appl. Geophys. (2019) 176: 3277. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-019-02280-7 |
Adhitama, R., Robert Hall and Lloyd White, 2017, “Extension in the Kumawa Block, West Papua, Indonesia”, Proceedings IPA 2017 Jakarta |
Adhitama, R., Robert Hall and Lloyd White, 2016, “Structural styles of Adi Basin & the Implications of Tarera – Aiduna Fault”, Proceedings: Geosea XIV Congress and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Bandung |