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Friday, 01 September 2023

Orientation for New Students in the Geology Engineering Program, Class of 2023, Odd Semester 2023/2024 Academic Year

The PKKMB (Introduction to Campus Life for New Students) event took place over two days, on August 31st and September 1st, 2023. It was held in-person at the 8th-floor Auditorium of Building D, FTKE (Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering) at Trisakti University. The event was opened by the Dean of FTKE, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Burhannudinnur, M.Sc, IPM., followed by presentations from the Vice Deans. These presentations covered various aspects, including the curriculum system, the learning environment, introduction to academic advisors, guidance, and learning methods by Vice Dean 1, Dr. Suryo Prakoso S.T., M.T. Information about the tuition payment system and procedures was provided by Vice Dean II, Dr. Ir. Dewi Syavitri M.Sc. Information about student affairs and alumni matters was presented by Vice Dean III, Ir. Mulia Ginting M.S., and information regarding university cooperation and the development of the three pillars of higher education was shared by Dr. Pantjanita Novi Hartami, S.T. M.T. IPM. The next part of the program included a presentation on national defense by the Executive Director of Intelligence & National Security Studies, Dr. Stepi Anriani, S.IP., M.Si. Various student activities were introduced by the Head of BAMA Usakti, Ir. Andri Prima, M.T., MBA. The event concluded with an introduction and virtual tour of the central library in Building M, conducted by the Library Department of the faculty and university (UPT Perpustakaan).

On the second day of PKKMB, activities were conducted in two locations: the 8th floor auditorium and the 2nd floor of Building D at Trisakti University. The activities for new students began with a presentation on entrepreneurship by Mrs. Emelia Sari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. This was followed by an introduction to the alumni association, IKAGEOSAKTI, presented by the Alumni Chairman, Dr. Ir. Agus Guntoro M.Si. The program then continued with department-specific sessions where all aspects of the program were introduced, including the curriculum, available facilities, and introductions to Academic Advisors, Teaching Staff, and Educational Personnel, among other topics. In this semester, there are four appointed Academic Advisors: Dr. Rendy, S.T., M.Eng., Mrs. Novi Triany S.T., M.T., Mrs. Mira Meirawaty, S.T., M.T., and Mr. Ramadhan Adhitama S.T., M.Sc. The final session of the department’s program involved an introduction to the Student Organizations within the Geology Engineering Program, including HMTG, SM-IAGI, and AAPG.

Kami mengucapkan selamat datang para Geologist muda kami, semoga PPKMB ini bisa menjadi bekal persiapan yg baik utk mengawali perkuliahan anda sampai 4 tahun kedepan.

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