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- Teknik Geologi Universitas Trisakti
- Kampus A, Gedung D Lt. 2,
- Jalan Kyai Tapa No. 1 Grogol
- Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
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On this occasion, the speakers who were present and participated in providing suggestions and inputs related to the evaluation were from stakeholders and the advisory board, including Dr. Eko Budi Lelono (Expert from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), Mr. Yoseph C.A. Swamidharma, S.T., M.Sc., DIC (Vice Chairman II of IAGI), Mr. Yudistian Yunis, M.Sc (CEO of PT. Geo Dipa Energi), Mr. Ir. Brahmantyo K. Gunawan (SKK Migas), Mr. Ir. Sani Hendra Gunawan (PT. Geoservice), Mr. Erlangga Septama, Ph.D (Pertamina RTC), Mr. Hendaryanto, S.T., M.Si. (Directorate of Environmental Studies), Dr. Ir. Sugeng Mujianto, M.Sc., M.Env.Eng.Sc (Geological Agency), Dr. Pulung Arya Pranantya, S.T., M.T. (Ministry of Public Works and Housing), and Mr. Ir. Tafif Azimudin (Indonesian Geothermal Association).
The curriculum evaluation in the Geological Engineering Program is a biennial routine activity aimed at ensuring that the curriculum remains relevant to the needs and developments in education and the job market. The topics/ specializations discussed in this FGD were related to the Geothermal Concentration and the Oil and Gas Concentration. In their suggestions and inputs, the speakers emphasized important points, including the inclusion of Macro Paleontology (a mandatory course) covering both mollusks and vertebrates, including Hominins (ancient humans), as 70% of fossil discoveries of ancient humans in the world are found in Indonesia. Additionally, students should be exposed to the objects they study, incorporating field trips into teaching materials and increasing the use of analogies. Concepts related to geothermal (fluid geochemistry, geothermal alteration, structures, and others) should be taught in a way that relates to everyday life phenomena.
This event is expected to serve as a benchmark in evaluating the curriculum of the Geological Engineering Program, considering both minor and major changes. The findings and recommendations obtained during the activity are aimed at advancing the Geological Engineering Program and its graduates.